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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Secret of Water

In fact, the water can be heard ... .. a similar situation. ...!

"We created from water every living thing."

In the Book of classical commentary, paragraph was understood that without water, all will die thirst. But in Japan, Dr. Masaru Emoto from the University of Yokohama with a zealous conduct research on the behavior of water.

Shinto, and then cooled to-5oC in the laboratory, then healing with the electron microscope with high-speed camera. In fact, the water molecule formed crystal hexagon beautiful. Repeated the experiment with the words read, "Arigato (thank you in Japanese)" in front of bottles of water overnight. Re-establish the crystal is very beautiful. Then try submit a written letter Japan, "Arigato." Crystal form with the same beauty. Next, indicated the word "devil", the crystal form is poor. When the music are heavy metal, crystal destroyed.

When 500 people concentrate concentrate message "peace" in front of a bottle of water, the water was crystal expand ramify with beauty. And when the prayer of Islam tried to complain, six-sided crystals with five branches brightness leaves appear. A similar situation. Dr. Emoto eventually around the world to experiment with water in Switzerland, Berlin, France, Palestine, and he then invited to the headquarters of the UN in New York to present in March 2005. In fact, the water can "hear" words, can "read" writing, and can "understand" the message. In the book The Hidden Message in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto construe that the water can record a message, such as magnetic tape or compact disc.

The strong concentration grantor message, the message printed in the water. Water can transfer the message was through the water molecule to another. Previously we consider idolatrous, or at least we simply assume suggestion, but the water molecule that captures the message of prayer healing, saving, and vibration spread to other water molecule in the body of the patient.

The human body is 75% consists of water. Brain 74.5% water. The blood of 82% water. The bones also contain hard 22% water. Water was in process will forward the message to the body of water in the brain and blood vessels. With the permission of Allah, the message will be implemented before we realized without the body.


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